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Want to get a job in UAE? Remove these 5 mistakes from your CV

Remove these 5 mistakes from your CV to get a job in UAE

Working in Dubai is something that a lot of people are looking for. This is simply because the UAE offers job opportunities that you cannot find in any other country. For instance, the UAE suggests tax-free incomes as well as high salaries. These are what attract job seekers from all around the world to this […]
How to increase the chance of getting hired in the UAE

How to increase the chance of getting hired in the UAE?

The job market of the UAE is popular as one of the most competitive ones in the whole world with a large number of local, regional, and global applicants. So, you have to make a proper profile to acquire the employer’s attention. If you do not know how to do it, continue reading and learn […]
حقایقی جالب درباره ی دبی

Amazing Facts to Know about Dubai: Before or After Travelling

Dubai is a beautiful Middle Eastern city with extraordinary features. This is why it has turned into the number one destination for business, travel, investment, and living. This amazing city is highly famous as a sought-after tourist destination offering unexpected experiences. So, here are amazing facts that you should know before traveling to Dubai. Interesting […]
Area guide 2022-03-11
ورزش ‌های سنتی امارات کدامند

What are the top UAE Traditional Sports and Games?

Traditional sports of the UAE reflect this city’s culture and old-school lifestyle. As you might know, due to the UAE’s dry climate, this country has vast stretches of sand or rugged terrain. So that this place residents have special skills to thrive in such a harsh environment, which over time changes into an inseparable part […]
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