Property for Sale in Şile

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Last Update: 2024-06-22

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    Being one of the best residential areas in the Asian Side of Istanbul, Şile is a valuable area for you to choose your ideal property in. The reason why property for sale in Şile is highly valuable and popular is that this incredible neighborhood is a place where the residents can enjoy each day as a holiday.

    Property for sale in Şile

    The amazing features of Şile have also turned it into a desirable tourist and business destination. So, it is no surprise that property for sale in Şile is of high value and popularity.

    Property for sale in Şile

    Şile Projects price table

    Project Name Property Type Min. Price Completion
    Kuzey Villas Villas - 2023Q4
    Soft Sile Villas Villas - Ready To Move

    Şile Projects

    Turkey Properties

    Ready To Move

    Soft Sile Villas

    Turkey Properties

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