Property for Sale in Güngören

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Last Update: 2024-06-22

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    Güngören is a unique residential district on the European side of Istanbul. This incredible area is adorned with properties that have been beautifully designed. Properties for sale in Güngören are offered to buyers and international investors with amazing features and incredible benefits that cannot be found in any other place, literally. One of these incredible benefits is the chance to get Turkish citizenship through investing in these properties.

    Güngören Development

    Besides, these properties are highly popular because they offer a high amount of rental income. On top of all, properties for sale in Güngören also offer great capital growth making them beyond valuable!

    Güngören Development

    Güngören Projects price table

    Project Name Property Type Min. Price Completion
    Sentez Merter Shops - Ready To Move
    Real Merter Apartments Apartments - Ready To Move

    Güngören Projects

    Ready To Move

    Sentez Merter

    Turkey Properties

    Turkey Properties

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