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What Are the Highest and Lowest Paying Jobs in Dubai?

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Are you considering pursuing a career in Dubai? Are you curious about the highest and lowest paying jobs in the city? In industries like marketing and advertising, hospitality, security, and investigation, foreign employees are needed to fill the void.

But remember, there are many factors to consider when choosing a job. These factors include the balance between work and life, the security of employment, and, most importantly, the level of income. Many ex-pats choose fairly priced Properties in Dubai as their home, as it is one of the best cities to do business in. Despite the high cost of living in Dubai, there are also plenty of jobs with excellent salaries. Keep reading if you are looking for a job that pays well and contributes to society at the same time. Here, you can see a list of high-paying and low-paying jobs in Dubai.

What Are Highest And Lowest Paying Jobs In Dubai?

What Should I Consider Before Searching for a Job in Dubai?

There is nothing like the skyscrapers surrounding Dubai and the architecture that is out of this world. The amazing Middle Eastern city attracts many professionals seeking employment security and career advancement. Various types of highly regarded jobs are available with different salaries. But remember, your CV is your single most important tool in the job search process.

In the UAE’s competitive job market, recruiters spend an average of six seconds reviewing your resume. Therefore, the use of buzzwords is one of the biggest CV pitfalls to avoid. And please note that there is a wide range of jobs targeting your unique set of skills, and you need time and patience to find them. If you are highly qualified, you can find a job like CEO or chief financial officer with a monthly salary of 200,000 dirham. Property developers in the UAE often seek highly qualified professionals to fill key roles. These positions can include project managers, developers, and marketing specialists, among others.

Continue reading to find the top highest-paid, and lowest-paid jobs in Dubai with salaries and allowances.

What are the Job Opportunities in Dubai?

The majority of people who come to Dubai on a visit visa fail to find employment in Dubai because they lack knowledge and preparation. To be eligible for a UAE golden visa, you must have a job offer with a salary of at least AED 20,000 per month. In addition, you must have a bank deposit of AED 1 million. With the right qualifications and experience, many job seekers can find a job in Dubai that meets these requirements. This job provides high salaries and other allowances. It is hard for Dubai’s job seekers without college degrees to find a good job in the city. According to searches, Dubai is the most suitable place for bankers and other educated professionals to find a high-salary job. In Dubai, there is no minimum wage rate, and employers pay you differently based on your age, qualification, experience, or nationality. If you want to know more about high-paying and low-paying jobs, continue reading.

What Are Highest And Lowest Paying Jobs In Dubai?

High-paying Jobs in Dubai

A high quality of life and competitive salaries contribute to the emirate’s 80% ex-pat population. Dubai’s average monthly salary is AED 21,500, which is approximately equal to USD $5,853. On average, workers in Dubai earn more than their counterparts in Western countries. If you are looking for a high-paying job in Dubai, check out the following list. Here are some of the most in-demand, high-paying jobs in Dubai:

Chief Marketing Executive

As a CMOS, you are responsible for company marketing operations. You have to boost the company’s brand by designing effective marketing strategies. To qualify for this high-paying job in Dubai, you need a degree in sales and marketing, along with experience.

Salary: 488,000 AED (most experienced).

What are the highest and lowest paying jobs in the UAE in 2019

Finance and Accounting Professionals

Another high-paying job position in Dubai is Chief financial officer. They are the first strategy advisors of the company with the highest salary. In this position, you have to make all accounting, finance, profit, and investment decisions. To be a professional in the field, you need to be proficient in accounting, finance, and delivering shareholder value.

Salary: Around 20,000 AED


Lawyers are among the most important and high-paying jobs in almost all organizations because of the legal matters and rescuing businesses from a legal perspective. As a lawyer, you have to prepare all legal arrangements and agreements. To be a lawyer in Dubai, you need a law degree and experience.

Salary: 60,000 AED


If you are a surgeon, neurologist, gynecologist, psychologist, or psychiatrist, you can easily find a job around the world. Like all over the world, if you are a doctor, you can find a highly valued and highly paid position in Dubai. To achieve a high-paying position in Dubai as a doctor, you need experience and training of a minimum of 8-10 years. Some specialists, such as cardiologists or neurologists, can earn up to 180,000 per month!

Salary: 180,000 AED

What Are Highest And Lowest Paying Jobs In Dubai?


There is in high demand for bankers in the retail sector, the corporate sector, and other fields to make decisions about long-term loans and other investments. As an employee in the banking sector, you will receive an excellent salary from Dubai banks.

Salary: 49,000 AED


Engineers can work on different construction projects and fields like mechanical, computer, electrical, etc. Pay attention; if you have more experience, you will earn more per month.

Salary: 144,000 to 170,000 AED

IT Managers

As an IT manager, you manage business strategies like design, support, development, and testing. They also confirm and set up the IT department. The IT manager has roles such as determining policies, team management, and organizing the entire setup. The experience required is about 10-12 years, and you, as an IT manager, must be up to date-with the latest technologies.

Salary: 117,000 AED

15 Most In-Demand Jobs In The World


Retail merchandisers play a significant role in the decision-making process of a company. If you want to find a job in this field, you need to know industry trends. Moreover, you should encourage customers to use your products or services. If you want to reach a high-level merchandiser position, a degree in retail management or marketing can help you.


One of the jobs that Dubai really needs is professional and qualified pilots. That is because of the increasing number of large airlines such as Etihad, Emirates, and FyDubai. If you work as a pilot in Dubai, more than a high-paying job, there are other great perks like school fees, allowances, and free houses.

Salary: 58,000 AED

What Are Highest And Lowest Paying Jobs In Dubai?

Low-paying Jobs in Dubai

UAE Labour Law does not specify a minimum salary but mentions that salaries should cover employees’ basic needs. Nevertheless, apart from the high-paying jobs in Dubai, we have also provided a list of the lowest-paying jobs.

Manual labor jobs in Dubai are among the lowest-paid ones. These kinds of jobs include gardeners, security guards, drivers, and maids. Jobs in the nursing sector, tourism, receptionists, and secretaries are also paid less than management and professional jobs.

Their salaries are around 2,500 AED per month…


While teaching is a respectable career in society, it is not among the high-paying jobs. The salary can change based on the capability and knowledge of the teacher. However, teaching can be a rewarding career that can bring satisfaction and joy. The salary may not be high, but the rewards that come from helping mold future generations can be priceless.

Salary: 2,400 to 4,000 AED


In the accounting field, there are some middle-level accountants who receive lower salaries. The amount of salary in the sector can increase based on your experience, expertise, qualifications, and nationality. This means that middle-level accountants should strive to increase their qualifications and experience in order to be eligible for higher salaries. Thus, by investing in their professional development, they can increase their earning potential.

What Are Highest And Lowest Paying Jobs In Dubai?

Bar Manager

Another low-paying job in Dubai is the position of bar manager. While to be a bar manager, you have to be a hard-working person; there is no need for any special skills. The job requires you to manage the bar staff, handle customer orders and complaints, and maintain the inventory. The average salary for a bar manager in Dubai ranges from 4000-5000 AED per month.


If you have a valid license and experience, you can work as a school bus driver. The normal amount of salary ranges from Dh. 2000-4500 based on your experience and the type of vehicle. The job requires you to have knowledge of routes and traffic laws. You must also be able to maintain the bus in a safe and clean condition. Working hours vary from school to school.

Maids and Nannies

Most maids and nannies who work in Dubai are from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. While you have to work hard for this job, the salary is low. Despite the low pay, many people opt to work in Dubai in order to send money to their families in their home countries. Working in Dubai also provides a chance for people to experience a new culture and to save money for their futures.

Personal Assistant

Personal assistants are required in every organization for employees in top positions. It requires many skills and also high qualifications to handle everyday functions in a company. Individuals who seek a position as an assistant may receive a high salary or a low one. It strongly depends on the scale of the organization or their nationality.


Each year many people come from other developing countries and work as laborers in Dubai. This is a low-paying job with an expected salary of Dh.600-1500. This job includes hard labor, such as carrying heavy objects, long hours of standing in the sun and working with dangerous machinery. Despite the hard work, the salary is still low, and many laborers struggle to make ends meet.

Dubai’s Job Market: Is it Worth It?

In Dubai, many people make their living by finding a high-paying job, earning money, and sending it back home. Depending on your expertise and knowledge, you can choose from a wide range of jobs available in Dubai. Working in Dubai can provide people with a chance to experience a new culture while also providing an opportunity to save money for their future. For those who are looking for a long-term investment opportunity, Dxboffplan provides a platform to purchase UAE off-plan properties at a great rate, giving potential buyers an opportunity to capitalize on the high returns of the UAE real estate market.


What Are Highest And Lowest Paying Jobs In Dubai?

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With globalization and the rise of job opportunities in various countries, immigrating to a new country for living and working has become one of the significant decisions individuals make in their lives. Choosing the best country for immigration can greatly impact your quality of life, job opportunities, and overall satisfaction. In 2024, Arab countries have […]

frequently asked questions

With a salary of AED 10,000 - 15,000 (USD 2,700 - 4,000) each month, you have a decent chance of saving some money, while a salary of AED 15,000 - 20,000 (USD 4,000 - 5,400) per month is highly desired.

Register on job portals, attend online job fairs, browse classifieds and sign up with recruitment agencies to find a job.

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6 months ago

سلام حقوق کارگر ساده در دبی 2023 چقدره؟

6 months ago
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سلام جناب. میانگین حقوق دریافتی 2100 درهم می‌باشد.

6 months ago

سلام وقت بخیر شغل من در ایران برنامه نویسی هست. حقوق ماهیانه این شغل چقدر است؟

6 months ago
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سلام وقتتون بخیر. مشاوران ما از طریق ایمیل با شما در ارتباط خواهند بود

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