Property for Sale in Karpaz, Iskele

4.5/5 - (2 votes)
Last Update: 2024-08-21

Table of contents

Karpaz, Iskele Projects price table

Project Name Property Type Min. Price Completion
Yalusa Homes apartments - ready to move properties for sale
Sky Diora Apartments apartments - 2026Q4

Karpaz, Iskele Projects

ready to move properties for sale

Yalusa Homes

The Ultimate Fusion of Nature, Comfort, and Modern Design in Residential Living

Interiors Where Natural Serenity Meets Modern Sophistication

2025 Q1

Miracle Villa & Residence

Redefining Modern Luxury with Twin Villas and Elegant Apartments

Offering a unique luxury lifestyle

Noyanlar Group

2026 Q4

Sky Diora Apartments

Elegance Redefined: Sophisticated Comfort and Modern Design

Offering High-End Amenities and Facilities

Noyanlar Group

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