شراء عقار في جزيرة زها

5/5 - (2 صوتين)
التحديث الأخير: 2024-08-01

جدول المحتويات


      جدول أسعار المشاريع جزيرة زها

      اسم المشروع نوع العقار ادنى سعر تاريخ الانتهاء

      المشاريع جزيرة زها

      الأسئلة المكررة

      It is difficult to estimate the exact house prices in Zuha Island at this stage of the development; however, with the range of amenities the Island will offer, it is likely that house prices will be relatively high. Additionally, the Island's location near major cities, its proximity to the sea, and its reputation as a luxury destination are all factors that could influence house prices.

      Zuha Island offers a variety of properties, including luxury villas and cozy cottages.

      Zuha Island is still in the development stages and is projected to be completed by the end of 20215. The Island will feature an array of amenities, including a world-class marina, a luxury spa, and a variety of dining and entertainment options.

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