عقارات للبيع في العامرة

5/5 - (6 أصوات)
Last Update: 2024-06-22

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    مباني العامرة 275 كيز” width=”750″ height=”375″ />

    Why Invest in Ajman?

    Ajman, one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates, has emerged as a prime destination for real estate investment. With its strategic location, booming economy, and investor-friendly policies, Ajman offers an ideal environment for investors looking to capitalize on the growing demand for residential and commercial properties. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a first-time buyer, Ajman presents a wealth of opportunities to achieve your investment goals.

    Al Amerah's 19 Keys Traditional Buildings

    Rental Income Potential

    Investing in full buildings in Ajman offers the potential for lucrative rental income streams. With a growing population and increasing demand for quality housing and commercial spaces, landlords can expect steady rental yields and attractive returns on their investment. Whether you choose to lease out residential apartments, retail shops, or office spaces, Al Amerah’s full buildings are designed to maximize rental income potential and ensure long-term profitability.

    Al Amerah's 19 Keys Modern Buildings

    Al Amerah: Your Gateway to Investment Success

    Located in the vibrant Al Amerah area of Ajman, Al Amerah stands as a symbol of luxury, sophistication, and investment potential. Boasting a diverse selection of full buildings for sale, Al Amerah offers investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on Ajman’s thriving real estate market. From traditional to modern designs, each building is meticulously crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and excellence.

    Al Amerah’s 275 Keys

    Full Buildings for Sale

    At Al Amerah, investors can choose from a variety of full buildings tailored to their specific investment objectives. Whether you prefer traditional or modern architecture, there’s a building to suit your preferences and budget. Each building offers spacious layouts, premium amenities, and ample parking space, ensuring a comfortable and convenient living or working environment for tenants.

    Al Amerah's 20 Keys Traditional Buildings

    Investment Benefits

    Investing in Al Amerah’s full buildings comes with a multitude of benefits, including:

    1. High Rental Yields: With competitive rental rates and strong demand for properties in Ajman, investors can expect attractive rental yields and consistent cash flow.
    2. Capital Appreciation: As Ajman continues to experience economic growth and development, property values are expected to appreciate over time, offering investors the opportunity to build wealth through capital gains.
    3. Diversification: Investing in real estate allows investors to diversify their investment portfolios and mitigate risk, ensuring stability and long-term growth potential.
    4. Tax Benefits: Investors in Ajman enjoy tax advantages, including zero income tax and low property transaction fees, making it an attractive destination for real estate investment.

    Al Amerah's 20 Keys Traditional Buildings

    Contact Us

    Ready to embark on your journey to investment success? Explore the full range of investment properties available at Al Amerah and take the first step towards securing your financial future. Contact us today to learn more about our full buildings for sale and discover the endless possibilities that await you in Ajman’s thriving real estate market. With DXB Off Plan as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that your investment is in good hands.العامرة هي حي سكني وتجاري تم تطويره من قبل آر القابضة، وتقع في القطاع الشرقي من عجمان وعلى امتداد شارع الشيخ محمد بن زايد على طول حدود المجتمع. وتضم شقق العامرة المعروضة للبيع استوديوهات وشقق من غرفة نوم واحدة وغرفتي نوم. ويمكن للمقيمين في العامرة زيارة رأس الخيمة والشارقة وأم القيوين ودبي بسهولة نظرًا لسهولة الوصول إلى الطريق السريع. ويقع مجتمع العالية من الغرب وهليو 2 من الشرق.

    العامرة هو أحد الأحياء السكنية الراقية في عجمان حيث الكثير من مجمعات التسوق ومنافذ البيع بالتجزئة والمدارس وخيارات الترفيه للمقيمين، فضلاً عن مزيج من المباني السكنية والتجارية المتوسطة والعالية الارتفاع.

    العامرة عجمان Projects price table

    اسم المشروع نوع العقار ادنى سعر تاريخ الانتهاء
    شقق - الربع ا
    شقق 75,000,000
    Full 7,000,000
    Full 7,000,000
    Full 7,200,000
    Full 7,200,000

    العامرة عجمان Projects

    الربع ا

    شركة GJ العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة لاندز كيز العقارية

    شركة GPG العقارية

    الأسئلة المكررة

    تقدم العامرة عجمان مجموعة من العقارات مثل الشقق والفلل والتاون هاوس والمحلات التجارية.

    تتراوح أسعار الفلل من 1.500.000 درهم إماراتي إلى 3.000.000 درهم إماراتي.

    العامرة عجمان لديها بنية تحتية ممتازة، واقتصاد مزدهر، ومجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة الترفيهية للاستمتاع بها.

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